If you judge Basenjis

If you judge Basenjis,the Hound Group and/or Best In Show - PLEASE READ THIS.

When examining a Basenji please NEVER UNCURL THEIR TAIL.

I don’t know why judges find it necessary to uncurl a Basenji’s tail during the examination and I have yet to find a judge that can give a reasonable explanation for doing this.

Nothing in the Basenji standard suggests that the tail should be uncurled during the examination.

In the photos below the judge not only uncurls the tail, but he also pulls it down off the top line (while examining the testicles?).

If the curl of the tail is blocking the croup or tail set, you can run your hand down the top line and under the tail and feel for a dropped off croup.

Or simply step to the other side and look.

Uncurling the tail is not only unnecessary, it can be painful for the dog. Sometimes the bones in tail are fused together (in the middle or at the tip) making it impossible to go completely straight. Trying to uncurl one of these tails is painful for the dog and may cause the dog to snap at you - which you can’t blame the dog for.


Basenji Tails

Basenji World - by Ash-leek Thomo

An important thing to remember is to never forcefully uncurl a basenjis tail, no matter how loose or tight the curl. Unfortunately those that are uneducated like young children or some unknowing adults might not realise why not to do this and what consequences might occur from doing so.
The last few vertebrae of the tail are fused together, which is what causes the tail to have the iconic curl we all know and love. By forcing the tail straight, you can break these tiny vertebrae causing the dog pain. They might scream, they might even lash out and bite. Being part of the spine, not only would it cause pain in the immediate area damaged but can also cause pain further up in the spine and have severe damaging effects.
Tail injuries can cause damage in the nerves higher up in the spinal cord, nerves that are responsible for urination or defecation, causing incontinence. Severe enough injury can even cause paralysis within the back legs.


En vigtig ting at huske er aldrig at krølle en basenjis hale kraftigt ud, uanset hvor løs eller stram krøllen er. Desværre er de uuddannede som små børn eller nogle uvidende voksne måske ikke klar over, hvorfor de ikke skal gøre dette, og hvilke konsekvenser der kan opstå ved at gøre det.

Halens sidste ryghvirvler er smeltet sammen, hvilket er det, der får halen til at have den ikoniske krølle, vi alle kender og elsker. Ved at tvinge halen lige, kan du brække disse små ryghvirvler, hvilket forårsager hunden smerte. De kan skrige, de kan endda slå ud og bide. At være en del af rygsøjlen, vil det ikke kun forårsage smerter i det beskadigede nærområde, men det kan også forårsage smerter længere oppe i rygsøjlen og have alvorlige skadelige virkninger.

Haleskader kan forårsage skader i nerverne højere oppe i rygmarven, nerver, der er ansvarlige for vandladning eller afføring, hvilket forårsager inkontinens. Alvorlig nok skade kan endda forårsage lammelse i bagbenene.

The Basenji Trot